Pine Bluff, AR, US, 71613
**Applicants who do not meet the qualifications for the Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor will be reviewed against the qualifications for a Rehabilitation Counselor, GS06 $36,155 - The formal education equivalent of a bachelor’s degree in psychology, social work, counseling, sociology or a related field; plus, three years of experience in rehabilitation counseling or a related field. **
Position Summary
The Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (CVRC) will work under general supervision and is responsible for developing and administering Individualized Plans for Employment (IPEs) and providing counseling, training and/or placement services, and referral services for eligible individuals within state and federal law, departmental and divisional policies and procedures, and administrative direction. The CVRC will also serve as a mentor to non-certified staff upon supervisory request.
Key Business Processes/Duties
- Work with the consumer to monitor progress toward job placement and job retention, contacting the consumer a minimum of every 90 days to ensure case progress.
- Complete 20 new intake/applications each year and explains services, rights, and responsibilities, conducts assessments and coordinates services with other agencies/partners as appropriate. All referrals are moved to application status within 10 business days.
- Determine eligibility for VR services in accordance with policy. All applications are determined eligible/ineligible within 60 days (minus eligibility extensions).
- Provides counseling and guidance.
- Document case management activities by entering case narratives, medical and progress reports into the case management system accurately throughout the case.
- Maintain confidentiality of records in accordance with agency policy and in compliance with the CRCC code of ethical standards.
- Assist consumers to develops Individualized Plans for Employment (IPE) within 90 days from eligibility.
- Maintain an average caseload of 40 active cases with a minimum of 20 or 50% of active cases are successful rehabilitation closures during the evaluation period.
- Develops 15 first IPEs for consumers entering Service Status.
- Plan and manage case service funds, prepares and submits proper documentation per status, authorizes services. Enters case notes into case management system within 3 days of the event and has no more than 10 authorizations outstanding over 90 days annually.
- Complete agency reports, compiles with all applicable federal, state and agency policies and procedures, develops and maintains referral sources.
- Maintain contact with the consumer at least once every 90 days and documents the case management system. Enters all required supporting documentation into case management system.
- Demonstrate collaborative activities including but not limited to Workforce and Centers for Independent Living, and other community resources in order to maximize utilization of comparable benefits for VR consumers. Employee will perform other duties as assigned.
- Conduct an annual plan review on all IPEs each year and documents in the case management system and conducts an annual review on all cases closed ineligible as required.
- Document measurable skill gains/credential attainment in cases receiving training services, where at least 75% of these cases achieve measurable skill gains/credential attainment.
- Document income gains from application to closure, where at least 5 or 40% of successful closures achieve an income gain.
- Complete applicable vocational and functional skills assessments; provides rehabilitation teaching to enhance the employment outcome; provides rehabilitation teaching instruction in activities of daily independent living, use of adaptive equipment and assistive technology, software and devices, arranges for purchase and delivery of instructional and/or adaptive aids and appliances; arranges for Low Vision assessments and trainings; provides basic instruction in Sighted Guide and Orientation to surroundings as needed.
- Provide assistance in obtaining employment by through counseling and guidance, evaluation of job sites and obtains and utilizes current labor market information.
- Establishes and maintains rapport with the business community to facilitate job placement by conducting outreach to 2 employers per month and documents contacts also conducts 1 training to employers per quarter.
- Participate in or conduct in-service trainings, represents agency on task forces, committees, and on local Workforce Boards as assigned; attends training sessions, including those designed to maintain certification; engage in public speaking activities.
- Attend a minimum of 3 continuing education trainings per year.
- Perform other duties as assigned.
Position Information
Class Code: L098C
Grade: GS08
Salary Range: $45,010.00 - $71,792.00
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
Minimum Qualifications
The formal education equivalent of a master's degree in education, counseling, rehabilitation counseling, or counselor education; plus two years of experience in counseling or a related field. Additional requirements determined by the agency for recruiting purposes require review and approval by the Office of Personnel Management. OTHER JOB RELATED EDUCATION AND/OR EXPERIENCE MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR ALL OR PART OF THESE BASIC REQUIREMENTS, EXCEPT FOR CERTIFICATION OR LICENSURE REQUIREMENTS, UPON APPROVAL OF THE QUALIFICATIONS REVIEW COMMITTEE.
Must be licensed as a Professional Counselor by the Board of Examiners in Counseling in accordance with ACA 17-27-301 or certified as a Certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor in accordance with the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification.
Nearest Major Market: Little Rock
Nearest Secondary Market: Pine Bluff